

CARES Act Emergency 金融援助 Grants for 学生

的 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act (Pub. L. 116-136) authorized the U.S. 教育部("教育署")将向专上院校分配公式拨款,以解决与冠状病毒有关的需求. 2020年4月10日. 雷诺Verret, President of Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA), 签署并提交高等教育紧急救济基金第18004(a)(1)条规定的奖励证书和协议, 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act. This Certification and Agreement provided assurance that XULA intended to use, 不少于根据《e世博esball》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金的资金的50%.


Total CARES Act为路易斯安那州e世博esball大学提供学生紧急经济援助

根据该机构的学生紧急经济援助补助金认证和协议,该部门分配给e世博esball大学的学生紧急经济援助资金总额为51美元,586,557 which will be directly disbursed to students. 该机构将使用根据《e世博esball》第18004(a)(1)条收到的资金的不少于50%向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.


考虑资格的主要标准是学生申请联邦援助的资格, regardless of whether an application was submitted. It has been determined that three thousand three hundred twenty-one students (3,在2021 - 2022学年期间,根据1965年《e世博esball》第四章第484条,学生有资格参加联邦援助计划.


努力确保我们的学生人数最多将获得资助的份额, 路易斯安那州e世博esball大学根据2021年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的报告,建立了基于预期家庭贡献(EFC)的分层分配方法。. Based on this methodology, 所有提交FAFSA的学生都被认为有资格获得路易斯安那州e世博esball大学关怀法案学生紧急补助金资金,该资金的分配基于以下方面:

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) American Rescue Plan Amount
$0 $1,000
1 - 5846 $750
5846 & up $500

另外, 美国能源部制定了路易斯安那e世博esball大学必须遵守的指导方针,以确定资助资格.

  1. 学生必须有资格参加1965年《e世博esball》第四章第484节规定的课程, 经修订的(HEA). For purposes of disbursal of these funds, 学院将根据学生2021 - 2022年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的存在来确定资格。.
  2. 学生 must be United States citizens (or eligible non-citizens).
  3. 学生必须使用资金支付因冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断相关的符合条件的费用,包括食物, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, health care and childcare (CARES Act Section 18004(c).
  4. 学生 must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, as outlined by 金融援助 guidelines.

由财政援助办公室确定为最初符合条件的学生(基于上述指导方针)通过电子邮件收到通知. 学生必须遵循电子邮件中提供的链接,以证明所授予的资金将用于允许的费用. 没有提交证明表格的学生将不会获得资助. Upon receipt of the certification form, funds will be disbursed via direct deposit or check to students.


 Cares Emergency Grants – Frequently Asked Questions

的 CARES Emergency Grant program is a temporary emergency aid program, funded by the initial Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund (HEERF I), 冠状病毒的援助, 救援, and Economic 安全 (CARES) Act. 该资助计划旨在为在e世博esball大学入学并受到COVID-19大流行不利影响的学生提供一次性经济支持.  Funds are limited and disbursed on a first-come-first serve basis. 

应用ing for a HEERF I CARES Emergency Grant?

学生应提交一份完整的CARES申请,以考虑获得HEERF I CARES资助.  Applications are available via the Xavier 金融援助 and COVID-19 websites.  Please complete the application in its entirety, attach supporting documentation (for fastest consideration), and submit via email to

What is supporting documentation? Is it required to receive funding?

Examples of supporting documentation include, but are not limited to, lease/mortgage agreements, utility bills and COVID-related medical bills.  While documentation is not required, 它确实有助于覆核委员会了解申请的全面性质,并证明申请所要求的金额是合理的. 

How long will it take to process my application?

的 emergency fund committee reviewed CARES applications on a weekly basis.  的 committee contacts students via email if additional information is needed. Please do not submit multiple applications or resubmit previous applications.  This delays processing for other students.  申请将按照收到申请的日期顺序进行审查和处理.

How much funding am I eligible for?

CARES applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 关怀支付的金额各不相同,并基于已完成的申请中包含的信息.

Other schools awarded each student a blanket amount. 为什么e世博esball不这么做?

大学选择了HEERF I基金的申请流程,而不是更公式化的申请流程,以优化我们的机会,显着减少COVID-19给我们的学生带来的困难.  Many students are experiencing 住房 and/or food insecurity, have significant medical expenses, are 技术 insecure and are navigating many other hardships. 申请和支持文件使我们有更好的机会充分满足学生的需求.

How do I check the status of my application?

Status inquiries should be made in writing to 的 电子邮件地址由委员会成员监控,他们将尽快回复您的询问.  请不要提交多个申请或查询,否则会造成处理延误.

注意: All HEERF I CARES Emergency Grant applications received by 5 PM CST, 星期五, 4月9日, 2021年将根据申请上列出的指导方针进行处理和转发付款. 资金将通过直接存款支付,并应在2021年4月23日星期五之前到达您的账户.  If direct deposit information is not on file, 支票将邮寄到班纳学生信息系统中列出的邮寄地址. Please allow additional time for mailed checks.

How will the university disperse CARES funding not associated with HEERF I?

Subsequent federal funds awarded to the university, 包括通过CRRSAA:高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF II)计划提供的资助, will be disbursed to eligible students via a tiered method of distribution, 根据2020-2021年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)报告的预期家庭贡献(EFC).

Per federal guidelines, students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, received priority funding consideration.  Below are the tiers of award and what you can expect to receive.